Then I was reminded of this verse:"God’s kindness leads you to repentance”. (Rom.2:4)
I thought over the times that as a believer I made really rotten choices, disappointed myself and God, and felt like I had failed – and yet the kindness of God drew me back because I knew, deep down, how much He loved me. No, he didn’t like the behaviour, the actions or the words … I knew that, and had to deal with those things with Him, but I knew that they never separated me from Him. I also knew that God would not abandon me – I belonged to Him, and when one of His is stumbling on their journey, is not the time that He withdraws His kindness – it’s the time that kindness grabs your hand. As believers, if we truly represent the heart of God can we be his physical hand of kindness to others, even when its difficult, uncomfortable and we disagree, can we assist them back to the heart of God rather than leaving them on the side of the road, beaten and bruised, and pass by like we never knew them….. and trust God do the rest?
His unrelenting love towards us knows no bounds.