Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Creation Dances

I've been reading Genesis 1, or rather studying it, I came across this in a commentary and it just made me want to get up, jump up and down and dance around the place....

"’Blessing’ in the Bible is a word of vitality, creativity and fulfilment. 
The whole of the on-going life of creation is the outworking of God’s blessing. 
The whole creation is now caught up into the divine blessing – 
there is an exuberance, a delight, in creation. 
God’s blessing is the music of creations dance.” 

I just love that last line.
I don't know what about it makes me feel so full of excitement but it does.


  1. I LOVE it!!
    Love the thought; love the picture; love the feeling it gives me to hear it.
    I'm going to save this picture and share this post, ok?

    1. Absolutely - it's off Google Images - so I have no claim to it! :)

  2. Replies
    1. It is a lovely pic hey? Thank you Google Images! ;-)

    2. Maybe it will inspire your mom to paint something similar ;-)

    3. Maybe! ;-)
      We shall have to keep an eye on her!

  3. Beautiful Lis! Captures exactly how I feel!


So, what do you think?

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