Thursday, November 26, 2015

So, it's Thanksgiving.

Hey. OK so I am not American, and am not a fan of adopting anything American if it's not your culture. HOWEVER, that being said, after the year I have had, today seems as good a time as any to reflect on that which I am thankful for. So here goes (in no order whatsoever):

  • I am thankful for My Man and My Girl. I am crazy about them and they add colour and sparkle to every day.
  • I am thankful for My family: Parentals, siblings, nieces, nephews and in-laws. Although we are separated by lots of miles - our closeness to one another is not hindered by distance. 
  • I am thankful for my Friends everywhere. For "Bus friends" / village friends, Skype friend dinners, for Friends Suppers,  for  running friends, for bookclub friends, for foreign accent friends, for friends of different cultures, and friends of different faiths, friends who are way younger than me, and friends who are older, friends who I have known forever, and those who are becoming friends. I am thankful for you all. 
  • I am thankful for Sport. Weird. But true. It brings people from all over the world together.  I am really thankful for our local pub who has proved this to be true! :)   #sportbringsallpeopletogether #proteafire #gobokke
  • I am thankful for My dogs. They accompany me, or I accompany them on so many great walks and have filled my days with specialness.
  • I am thankful for technology- with all its flaws it keeps me in touch with those I love.
  • I am thankful for where I live. Not only the town but the country. I am thankful for the opportunities here to meet people, travel and experience a whole new way of living. I am thankful for this wonderful adventure.
  • I am thankful for busses!!  :)
  • I am thankful for French lessons. Seriously. I really am. I am thankful that I am learning, and using this brain for more than what to make for supper! 
  • I am thankful for people who still have manners and common courtesy. For the men who still give their seats up for women. For people who don't spit in public, for people who shift up when seats are needed, for people who still smile and greet, and wish you a good day. 
  • I am thankful for music. For dancing and singing out loud, for being silly and not caring. 
  • I am thankful for time. Time for chilling, walking, running, reading... time for me.
  • I am thankful for all my senses. For seeing beauty, hearing friends, for warm hugs and for tasting good food and wine.
  • I am thankful for those who show compassion and mercy, for those who treat others with integrity and dignity, for those who look for ways to show kindness and serve others during an era when everyone looks out for #1. 
  •  I am thankful for sunsets and sunrises, for wildlife and birds, for forests and trails, for seasons. For beauty. 
  • I am thankful that I am South African and from the most beautiful city in the world: Cape Town.
  • Finally, I am thankful to the Author of Life, for giving me this one life to adventure through with Him.

What are you thankful for?


  1. I'm thankful for occupation! And I'm thankful that the best is yet to come. :)

  2. A beautiful list of thankfulness...♥

  3. Thankful to you for your enthusiasm and love of life! ME

  4. I am very thankful to you right now for proof reading my reports! !

    1. Hahaha Kerrin!
      It was a pleasure - hoping it goes well in this last bit of the year. x


So, what do you think?

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