Monday, July 1, 2013

Hitting Home Time

I've known at arm's length for ages that it was coming, but last night it hit me. Hard.

I suddenly realised that in exactly one month's time we will no longer be in our house, in our city, in our country or even on our continent.

It was as though a fog descended on my thoughts. "What the heck are we doing! I am terrified. Is this a mistake?"

I don't know if I am the only person that this happens to, but the middle of the night is not the time to start thinking like this. The enemy seems to love to take a small thought like that and drag up every mistake you've ever made and replay them to you. This makes the night long and miserable.

Eventually I just had to sit up a bit, open my eyes, give myself a good talking to and remind myself of precisely how present God has been in this whole event and that even the Main Manne in Scripture who were asked to move must have felt scared at some level, whether physically or emotionally - the fact that they were scared didn't mean that God didn't lead them, nor did it mean they didn't trust him, and nor did it mean that what they were doing, was a mistake.

As a friend said to me the other day "Fortune favours the brave" - I need to be brave this month.

I think being a little scared is probably human, and if I wasn't a little scared..... maybe that would be more worrying.

As scared as I am, I am completely at peace that this is not a mistake but a gift - a gift from One that knows how often we have dreamed of doing this and who is kind enough to help us do it.

Yes. Scary.
But good.

Cool Runnings....Peace be the Journey.


  1. Exactly!
    How funny - "Peace be da journey" seems kinda appropriate now, hey?!

    You will be horribly missed but we know you will have much joy out of this - and enrich the lives of the people you come into contact with.
    Lucky them!

    1. Ja, seems like the name worked out to be fairly prophetic! :)

  2. Funny, I had the exact same thought as your mom when you first announced the big news ;-) Keep your eyes on the Lord Lis, He is NEVER present in fear.......He is LOVE and will only ever want good for you.......I'm so looking forward to seeing you journey in Peace.......lots of love, nix

    1. Thanks Nix - Ja I agree, he is never the origin of fear, but he is with us, his love and knowing him drives out fear. It's going to be a good journey!

  3. He will be where you are...and peace will follow you where ever you go.

  4. Cheering you on from over here. Truly, we have no idea what God will do when we say, 'I see that you're in this, even though it scares the crap out me. And I'll say yes because of a belief in your goodness that is deeper than the fear.' May he do more than can ask or even imagine, as you take this path together :-) Hugs. xx

    1. I am determined to print this and keep it in my wallet.
      Thanks so much for it. xx

  5. I must have missed the news, where are you going and what will you be doing? Do tell, it sounds intriguing. As for fear, my favorite saying: feel the fear and do it anyway;-) and another word, faith!

    1. I didn't actually blog "the news" - but My Man was offered an opportunity to work in Europe for a few years - so, how can we possibly NOT take participate in this adventure. Have taken your advice though... and going anyway! :) Or, as you say, in other words, stepping out in faith!

  6. God go with you
    you are in our prayers

    1. Thank you Rob, I really appreciate that!


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