Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Photographs and Memories

Wow... 5 years in Luxembourg and in our house here. Time has flown. Before we set off we said that we would aim for 5 years and see how we felt after that.  Last night, I reminded My Man of this conversation, and we both felt it is not time to come home quite yet. It feels as though we just arrived.

Just this morning I was reminded on Facebook about the day our suitcase broke on the plane coming over. I was whisked back to that day. It was so hot and the hill up to our house seemed endless, and the pavements so narrow that in places the suitcase couldn't even fit on them. I remember a car driving passed us and bumping My Mans elbow, I remember putting up the fence and the horrendous blisters My Man got from doing it, but our hounds were arriving the next day and we had to find a hardware, find a fence, have it delivered and then work out how to put it up, all in one day in a language we didn't know. It was awesome and we did it.

I must confess that for all of the fails of social media, I do love the FB Memories. I have had the odd person make "flyby" comments about how many photo's I take / how often I post on FB, some seemingly random. At first I thought that perhaps it was too much, and went on a bit of an introspective journey. Then, I basically thought, (excuse me but) "Stuff it. It's my FB and you are free to hide, delete or ignore my trivia!"

The way I see it now is that in a few years time, FB memories are going to remind me of the day I first ordered my dustbin bags in French, or the day that I saw that guy in the bus with purple laces, or the day we first went to the Winter Burning or first Carnival, the Yellow Duck Race or that Wednesday morning I discovered the market in the square, or the day I first saw a deer in the snowy forest. These were all epic to me! You think you will never forget moments, but you do - sometimes I can barely remember what I did last week, let alone 10 years ago!

So I will keep posting my little bits of trivia, like exciting new bus routes or tasting Foie Gras for the first time, because I never want to forget a moment of anything we experience here, good or bad - I want to keep being reminded of this epic adventure long after it is all over.

So, here is to the halfway mark, to our Fathers kindness, and to the unfinished journey yet to be enjoyed.

Cool Runnings.
Peace be the journey.  

Reverse Culture Shock & Difficult Questions

The days are moving on and soon we will be home home. There seems to be a common thought coming through from friends there and here - Prepar...