I used to have a keyring that said that..."I'd rather be sleeping"
Sleep and I are generally the best of friends and I have often joked that I could fall asleep on a park bench on the main road.
Over the last month or three, I have found that occassionally Mr Sandman refuses to take me hostage and instead lets me stay up and play. I am not awake worrying about anything. I am just ... awake.
Last night was one of those nights. The TV powered off. I was awake. I could switch it on again, but My Man battles to go back to sleep if he is woken up, so I don't.
I begin to think....( These thoughts are headlines, there are sub-heads, text & occassional mental footnotes.)
It starts with my day. What I did at school, what projects am I busy with, could I make them better, would something work more effectively if I did it differently next time, rerun through all the great Web2.0 tools I have found and wonder how I can incorporate them into classes. I must remember to Tweet them to my PLN to spread the joy.
Turn over. Look at the clock. Midnight. *yawn*
Inevitably thinking about Tweeting will lead me to thinking about Facebook. I wonder if any of my friends are online? Maybe I can pop in and see quickly. I don't want to disturb My Man so I don't. Facebook leads to thinking about Blogging, and I run through the blogs that I have read recently and then feel pangs of guilt that I don't Blog as often as I would like. So right there and then, I mentally write, edit and rewrite the best blog I have EVER written. It's a beaut!
Turn over. Look at the clock. 01:15 *Damn*
At this point I may consider giving My Man an accidentally on purpose nudge. But the kind of nudge you can't ignore. When he responds I will say innocently: "Oh, are you also awake... do you want tea?" (I won't drink tea, but he would if he was awake and at this point it would be in my best interest to please him.) However, I don't kick him, or nudge him and instead I congratulate myself quietly for being such a considerate and caring wife. ;-)
Then I think that if I was that good a wife I would definitely be a better cook! I determine that from tomorrow I will cook double every night and freeze it, then I will always have nice food at hand, and will even get away with not cooking every now and again. What a brilliant idea. I will be so organised from tomorrow. I run through recipes that this will work well with. I have some. Awesome. Can't wait!
Turn over. Look at the clock 2:10. *yawn so hard I am in danger of swallowing my face.*
As I turn over I remember that I must book that venue for where we want to renew our vows. I really also need to make a list of what to do and invites. *Take time to make mental guest list and keep realising I am adding the same people more than once* so I give up.
Turn over. 02:45: Ugh, I am so uncomfortable.
... I give myself a mental lecture about why I am uncomfortable. I really should go back to gym. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will definitely go back. I will feel better when I am back.
* * *
Nickleback forces back my eyelids open at 07:00ish and all I can think is "Dear God, seriously????"
I manage to get to school without everyone pointing and staring, so I guess my bra isn't on the outside of my blouse.
I go to the kitchen and make coffee. (Thank you God.)
I go about my day with my lovely kids. I forget to book the venue. I go home and cook enough for only one meal. I sit down to write the brilliant blog and can't for the life of me remember what the HECK it was about!???
I have at least 3 very admirable reasons why I can't possibly go to gym today.
Maybe tomorrow.
LOVE it!!! so typical.....then just when you fall asleep the dog snores or starts walking around...