Thursday, January 5, 2017

Back to Normal

It's the 5th January and today I am finally unpacking my little suitcase that went with us over the Christmas weekend. I just haven't had it in me to unpack. It's the last piece of evidence that My Girl has was here.  There are many clues to the fact that she was here, bits 'n pieces that couldn't fit into her case home, but it's not her.  My Man is back at work - so life essentially is back to normal.

Every time family visits it's difficult when they leave. The first time she visited and went back, I knew it was going to be tough and had mentally prepared myself, and told myself it would get easier every time - I was wrong. With each visit from family it has got more difficult to say goodbye.

I was so thankful to a friend of mine here who messaged me and asked if I wanted to go for a walk yesterday. If she hadn't I probably would have stayed in bed.  The day before I rearranged furniture - you do what you need to do to make it easier, until it is.

To make it worse this time, a lady who has become really special to me, is leaving after 3.5 years here. She is heading half way around the planet, to more snow and cold, on their new adventure, and I am so happy for them. However, I have said this before, I know in my head that as long as we are here, I have to hold friendships with open hands, because more often than not, people leave. I have heard people say that if they are here on contract work, or may leave, that they just don't invest time in friendships because it's a 'waste', if you have to leave. I cannot see relationships like that, for me it is just that they become deeper, faster because all time is like on fast forward.

Anyway, I am waffling now, just because I am sad My Girl is back home and I am sad my friend is going. It's OK to be sad about stuff - I won't ever pretend that this part of this adventure is without pain, some of it is really blimming difficult.

Aaannyyyway, it snowed a bit, the sun has come out and I want to go for a walk before it melts.

French starts on the 12th and then things will feel normal to me again.

Have lovely days people.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


A short and sweet post to invite you to join me in this years challenge of writing a minimum of 500 words a day, inspired by a prompt you receive via email.

Click to find out more about it on FB or the website.

I have only done 3 days but I must say that even though I am not a writer, I am so enjoying the process of imagining / thinking and writing the story. Here is my site, The 500 Challenge, just FYI:

I also have a "500 Words" Tab on this Blog for a quick reference.

If you decide to do it too, please share your blog with me, so that I can read your take on the prompt! It's really fun to see the differences we have.


Monday, January 2, 2017

It was about NY... then it wasn't.

Happy New Year!

FB timeline memories are really great for reminding us of moments in the past. I do quite love this feature. I compare New Years Day here to back in SA. It's summer back home and really nothing like summer here.
My Beach in SA on 1.1.2017
(Photographer unknown - taken from FB)
Along a road here on NYD
It's fascinating that the world is so vast and contains so many incredible landscapes and moments that can just fill you with such a sense of wonder.

It's so multidimensional. A bit like God, I suppose. We tend to view him through the eyes of our experience of church or religion - and what that has taught us about him - and yet may never have experienced him for ourselves.

Some may have experienced him as cold, monotone and distant and wanted to keep their distance from him, and others experience him as warm, vibrant and peaceful. 

The truth is that even if you are keeping your distance from him, he doesn't keep his distance from you no matter your experience. You may just not recognise his persistence in getting your attention, whether it's through a sunrise or a frosty tree. 

He is known and yet remains a mystery - it's one of his most engaging qualities!

(OK... This post is not really going in the direction I had planned - nonetheless, I will leave it, and write the post I was going for another time.)

Wishing you all a year filled with wonder at the multidimensionalness
of the Creator of the universe, and Lover of our souls.

Reverse Culture Shock & Difficult Questions

The days are moving on and soon we will be home home. There seems to be a common thought coming through from friends there and here - Prepar...