Tuesday, February 16, 2016

How do we look? Me and You?

I was on one of my many forest walks before we went to Barcelona, and I found myself chatting to the Author as often happens, and I remember in the middle of my chattering suddenly saying to Him, "Show me how we look, me and you." I didn't give it much more thought and continued along. 

Today, as I was walking I saw, as I have seen many times before, a huge tree with ivy climbing up and around it. "This is how we look. You and Me." I heard Him say.

I actually stopped in my tracks. I hadn't expected an answer to my request really.... if I am honest.  

"Oh!? Who is who?!" I said (out loud.... yes, I did!)  
"I am the tree, and you are the ivy."  Was the answer. 

"But it makes more sense for me to be the tree," I argued.... "because you encircle me."
"Um no..... I am the tree and you are the ivy." I felt Him say. (I am sure he was laughing)  
"Explain this to me" I said.

As I continued to walk, this is what I felt Him say:

"I am your anchor, but while I support you, you also have strong roots that root you in your faith. There are times when you go around and around me in circles, be it with unanswered questions, doubts or disappointments, or winters when you feel I am quiet, and withholding all my beauty from you... that  is only how it feels.  However, what you may not realise is that you are still growing during these times, and I love it that no matter what, you always cling to me.  

I call you upward, I call you to grow (up) toward the Light.

This is how we look. Me and You. We are beautiful together in every season."

* * * * * * 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Gaudi...and pictures

We have just returned from a lovely sunny holiday in Barcelona. It was a welcome change to have blue skies and temperatures in the high teens.

The highlight for me was discovering Gaudi, aka 'Gods Architect'. Yes, I had heard his name, but was not familiar with him or his work.

Among the many things I read of him, one thing stood out. When speaking of the construction of the Sagrada Familia Basilica, he was told that he will not see his vision, his building finished, to which he replied "My client has no time constraints, He has all the time in the world."

What an amazing perspective. I have seen many struggle to delegate the simplest of tasks, not trusting anyone else with the work that needs doing. Even I say if I want a job done properly I must do it myself. (Of course some discernment is required in delegating.... but I think you get where I am going with this?)

Then here is this man, with this literally, HUGE vision, who trusts people he will never know, to fulfill his dream --- and they are doing it, and they are so proud to be part of it, it's become their vision to fulfil his vision. It's the darling of the city.

There's a lesson here I think.

I hope you enjoy my clip even just a fraction of as much as I loved visiting there. The building is due to be finished in 2030. Maybe I will be around to see it then.

Enjoy these pictures I took. No artificial coloured lighting - all natural light through stained glass windows. He was inspired by Nature and Light, and it shows in this building, and all his others.

I love the sculptures, they are so different and kinda edgy.

Notice the imprint.

Such a stairwell....

What can I say?

Just .... wow.


Reverse Culture Shock & Difficult Questions

The days are moving on and soon we will be home home. There seems to be a common thought coming through from friends there and here - Prepar...