Friday, March 28, 2014

World Vision & Same-Sex Marriages

After reading this blog by The Shiny Headed Prophet I have not been able to think of much else.

I never write about "controversial" things here - especially not spiritually controversial, and I don't want any theological arguments - I think I have heard them all. People who know me, know how I feel about this. However, this is what has really filled me with a sort of sadness this week.

The brief version is that World Vision, that incredible Organisation that feeds millions of hungry children each year changed their policy to include employing people who are in same-sex marriages. Some "evangelical churches" had an-all-fall-down and encouraged people to stop supporting World Vision based on this policy.

Today I read here,that basically World Vision had given in to the "Christian" pressure and apologised(??):

"Facing a firestorm of protest, the prominent Christian relief agency World Vision has dropped a two-day old policy that would have allowed the charity to hire Christians in same-sex marriages."

"We have listened to you and want to say thank you and to humbly ask for your forgiveness," the agency said in the letter, signed by World Vision president Richard Stearns and board chairman Jim Bere.

I honestly don't know if I want to throw something or weep. I want to weep for those who are in same-sex relationships and how isolated they must feel, (let's face it, the "church" gives them a hard enough time as it is) and for those children who who were threatened by Christians to have their food literally pulled off their table, and I want to weep for "Christians"... because frankly,  I believe that Jesus would be the first to embrace any heart who wanted to help the poor and those in need.

Let's stop pretending that we know what everything in Scripture means - and rather focus on knowing the heart of the Writer.

* * * *
After thought:
I admire World Vision that they actually made a choice to allow this - I think that possibly the pressure brought upon them made it impossible for them to maintain their attitude of grace. Them not backing down would hurt millions of people, so they did what they thought they had to do - to keep doing what they love to do. I know that their heart is bigger than their policy.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A chorus of unnecessary questions...

Do you ever stop saying things like?
  • Have you got sunscreen?
  • Is your phone charged?
  • Who's driving? 
  • How are you getting there?
  • Can I make a suggestion?
My Girl is so good-natured about it, and seldom says anything other than...."Yes moooom!" in a comical way - but even as the words come out of my mouth - I am thinking "don't ask that!"

* * * 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Burning Cross

A couple of weeks ago we attended an "End of Winter" bonfire celebration.

It was strange to see a huge cross wrapped in dead Christmas trees and surrounded at the foot with bales of hay.  A fire-torch procession came up the hill and surrounded the cross and then they simultaneously lit the bonfire with their torches. It must have taken well over 30 minutes to burn - and it really burned!

It was an eerie feeling standing there watching this giant cross being consumed with flames -  as a follower of Christ, the cross is a symbol of love, grace and hope, and I had to keep reminding myself that this is a cultural thing, not a religious event, that ended a season and was for a blessing on spring harvest.

When the fire was done, and all the dead wood had vanished, the structure of the cross remained undamaged. I was reminded of how in the Old Testament an offering would be made, a sacrifice for sin, and it would be consumed by fire and the sin was forgiven.  As I looked at the cross still standing there, it felt like a picture to me: I watched my sin consumed, forgiven and forgotten.

But the Cross remains. 

It stands eternally as a symbol of his undying love.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


(Imported from my WP Blog)
I took this in Florence in 2005.  These street artists are unbelievably talented and watching them work is a treat as much as seeing their finished product.
As I watched her check her photograph and diligently create her art, I felt God say to me, “You are not a  reproduction of anyone else. You are unique.  I created you from my heart to make a one-of-a-kind you.  I am your Artist.”
Psalm 139: 13-16
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
* * * *

Monday, March 10, 2014

Desperately Seeking Summer

the spring is sprung
the grass is riz
i wonder where them boidies iz....

Right now, I know where them boidies iz - they are all over my bursting, budding, about-to-blossom trees, and a couple have adopted the nesting boxes that we have put into our big tree. At the rate the occupants moved in, I think we may need to get some more!
The whole weekend was lovely - right from Friday evening when we had friends over for supper.                                                                                            We met them on the bus and liked them straight away. It's taken a good few months to get up the nerve to ask them to supper, but it was an evening of note. Even my food (in my humble opinion) was blimming marvellous!  :)                                      You won't hear that from me often!
On Saturday we went into the city and walked around some of it that we have never seen. There really are surprises around every corner - it's a beautiful place.                                                                                       Already we've noticed lots of tourists and the amount of activity has definitely gone up a notch with the good weather. We had an interesting evening with the "End of Winter" festivities - it's just so eye-opening being part of a culture that is so different.
We bought some very lekker furniture for the balcony last weekend and had our first brunch out there. The skies were a brilliant blue and the temperature soared to 17 deg. It was gorgeous. 

My Man mowed the lawn while I put together our balcony flower pots that hang over the railings. 
I am so looking forward to potting up some flowers to hang in them, as well as some herbs that will hang outside the kitchen.  I have decided to wait and watch for when the locals start their spring baskets, since I believe we may not have seen the back end of winter quite yet. 
Jack and I went to find spring in the city.
This morning, after "my usual" coffee in the city, I came home and had breakfast in the sun, read my book, wrote a letter (with a writing pad and a pen!), drank some coffee.... and now am going to drag myself to do the ironing - blegh. 

Wishing you a lovely day.... wherever you may be!

Monday, March 3, 2014

My Man's Best Intentions are Best!

On Friday last week My Man and I were chatting via Whatsapp - of course the usual question came up from him... "So, what's for supper?"

We had this fun little chat about really, really wanting slap chips from our Cpt local fish 'n chips shop.

So, without me knowing that afternoon, he left work about 1/2 hour early with the intention of going to find some chips from somewhere, he knew they wouldn't be "our slapchips" - but he wanted to surprise me.

Of all the days, he leaves work early, in the pouring rain, without his umbrella, and no shelter, and the buses scheduled to arrive sooner, didn't come. In fact, the first bus to come was about 15 minutes AFTER his usual "leaving work" time.

About 4 stops after he got on, the bus-driver pulled over at one of the stops, saying he's late and has to start his route again, and so everyone must get off the bus and wait for another one.... in the rain!

Eventually, the next bus came, he hopped on and took the bus to the city where he had to connect to home. By this time, it was so late that he didn't have time to find chips.  He arrived home well after 19h00, which is an hour later than usual - without the chips... 

He only told me when he got home how he had planned to surprise me - what a guy.
I am so very thankful for him.

* * * 

That was going to be the end of my post - but I just received this Whatsapp from him right now...

But I have made him a lekker supper....  and put the kettle on.

Reverse Culture Shock & Difficult Questions

The days are moving on and soon we will be home home. There seems to be a common thought coming through from friends there and here - Prepar...